Blinded by the Dark

Someone I used to know texted the link below to me late last night. 

Look it over or the rest of this post won’t make much sense.


Welcome back. It’s six days before the 2020 presidential election, and this morning is cold and wet, and I have free time, so you know I must respond. If you play for the other side, go watch Fox & Friends or Lou Dobbs or NCIS. This isn’t for you. Move on, and I’ll just be someone you used to know.

You see Trump’s confidence. I see a scared little boy who fled an interview with 60 Minutes because the mean lady asked him tough questions, who can never admit a mistake, who insists he knows more than anyone — doctors, generals, climate change scientists — and yet, he refuses to allow his college grades or test scores to be released. I also see a frightened fraud whose lifeblood is the logic-defying adulation foisted on him by his Fox News and Limbaugh-fed sycophants.

You see Trump’s patriotism. I see an easily intimidated imposter who trusts Putin over his own intelligence community, who embraces dictators and shuns the leaders of Canada, Great Britain, France and Germany, who at first were dismayed by his inexplicable behavior but who now make fun of him at NATO summits, almost to his face. 

You hear Trump’s honesty. I hear a tax cheat who, as every legitimate news agency reported after the second debate, “resorted to an endless cascade of falsehoods, misdirection and nonsense.”  

You see Trump’s words being misconstrued and twisted by the media daily to fit their narrative. I see Trump’s lies and gibberish excused as “alternative facts” by his hacks and lackies.

You see Trump as a Patriot. I see him as someone who called American soldiers “losers and suckers,” who doesn’t know the words to the “National Anthem” or “God Bless America,” whose family has never produced a single male who served in uniform for this country, who belittled a true Patriot — John McCain.

You see Trump as a leader. I see him as a divider. General Mattis does, too. I see Trump as a schoolyard bully who allows his lawyers and goons to do his fighting for him while he golfs on the taxpayers’ dime.

You see Trump as the only one willing to fight for our freedoms. I see Trump as a draft-dodger who was willing to send poor kids to fight for our freedoms abroad while he pranced from one Manhattan party to the next. If he fought anything, it was STDs. 

You see Trump as a fighter, unwilling to cave-in to the lies. I see a pathological liar, someone who can’t open his mouth or touch a keyboard without lying.

You see Trump as a breath of fresh air. I see him as an endless blast of bloviation, bile, blather and hot air, someone who is so small, he would mock a reporter’s disability and use it as a punchline. I see people I once respected snicker at his sick joke. As for “fresh air,” I see California, Oregon and Washington state aflame. I see five hurricanes in one season.

You think Trump is married to an immigrant. I think Trump is married to a lingerie model who despises him, who can’t stand the sight of him, who refused to touch his hand after the second debate.


You see Trump welcoming immigrants to America legally. I see a hypocrite whose wife’s parents gained entry — almost certainly illegally — into this country through “chain migration,” something he now rails against.

You see Obama’s cages at the border. I happen to know when and why they were built and how they were used, and it wasn’t to separate and incarcerate toddlers from their parents. If you did your homework, you would, too.

You see Trump with an amazing economy until the Democrats shut it down. I see the federal deficit ballooning beyond comprehension because of the massive tax giveaway to billionaires. I also see a president who called Covid-19 a hoax, who called the scientists fighting it “idiots,” who held super-spreader meetings at the White House, who, when he was infected himself, expected the full weight and might of the U.S. government to save his fat ass. I understand how his mishandling of the pandemic led to the massive shutdowns. I can count the number of Covid-19 dead on his watch: 227,000 as of 10/28/20. I know viruses don’t care if you believe in them or not.

You see the violence in the streets of Democratic run cities who are refusing Trump’s help and call it “Liberal America.” I see alt-right, neo-Nazi, wannabe weekend warriors marching through Charlottesville, chanting “Jews shall not replace us.” I see young, dumb, unemployable deplorables driving cars and pick-ups into crowds of peaceful demonstrators. I see lost and pathetic losers like Kyle Rittenhouse murdering innocent people in the streets. I see warped people cheering him on, raising money for his defense. I see backwoods militiamen attempting to kidnap and kill the governor of Michigan.

You see Trump as someone who finally doesn’t just talk the talk but actually walks the walk. I see a vain, narcissistic, shallow, clueless, corrupt and toxic person who has no curiosity, no humility, no religion, no faith, no friends, no empathy, no compassion, no understanding of nor appreciation for the Constitution, the free press, the judicial system, the separation of powers, our relationship with Western allies, or the dangers of embracing and enabling dictators. I see a horribly damaged human being who’d need cue cards and a pie chart to know how to even pretend to be a half-decent father.

As for you, I see someone I used to know and respect, who is now a willful fool.


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