A Day in the Lie
It’s just another day, another response to another idiot rant about Hillary's emails, Benghazi and such.
About the emails: Nothing illegal found. Yes, it was stupid — really stupid and arrogant — that Clinton had a private email server to begin with, but the destruction of the emails was investigated, and there was nothing actionable to suggest some grand conspiracy to conceal evidence.
About Benghazi: Nothing found. No indictments. Total political grandstanding. If she's a traitor, she should be tried and convicted. Has she been tried and convicted? No. Will she be? No. Why? Because she isn't a traitor, and your vile hatred (that's what they accused Democrats of, "vile hatred of POTUS") of her isn't going to make magically turn her into a traitor.
About Kavanaugh protests? Charlottesville?
About the potential for Civil War? Well, isn't this what some of you want, a general "The South will rise again so let's grab our guns and a 12-pack of Keystone Light and go full American Sniper" insurrection?
About love it or leave it: Forget it. You didn't leave when Obama was president. Limbaugh promised he would, but then, he didn't. Of course, he lies almost as much as DT, so no big surprise (notice how "surprise" is spelled). We're not going to either. If we did, who would fix your hair or cook your food or maintain the Internet so your husband can watch porn after you've fallen asleep into your bowl of Blue Bell?
Since we're not leaving, then perhaps you ought to. Maybe move to Russia or North Korea or one of those other garden spots Trump likes so much. Or, to one of those pissant provinces like Moldova or Slovenia, where all the robot-looking lingerie models come from. But we're not leaving. We're going to stay here and try to America and more just, verdant society.
Besides, criticism is not an act of hate or rebellion. It's an act of love. Do you have children? Didn't you occasionally have to demand more from them? Didn't you occasionally have to discipline them, jerk them back in line? It's called "tough love," and it's much better than "blind allegiance."
By the way, aren't these wacky rallies Trump is constantly putting on nothing but criticism of America? He seems to hate everyone and everything about America except what benefits him and his. Of course, he is a narcissistic POS but jeez. Enough is enough.
We on the left would rather not see our nation turned into an oligarchy or criminal enterprise controlled by multi-billionaire multi-national industrialists who would sell their grandmothers into slavery for a $2 bump in their stock price.
We liked it back when there was a middle class, when public school teachers could raise a family of four on their salaries without having to hold down two part-time jobs, one at Lowe's and the other at Home Depot.
We think it was better when higher education was affordable, when people tried to work together to solve problems that actually exist, like health care and environmental degradation — you know, threats that'll actually kill you — instead of the gay/ Muslim/ libtard/ snowflake boogeyman next door who wants to take your guns and your miracle prayer cloths and re-write history and force you to scale back on slopping beef chip red-eye gravy on your pineapple and pear jello salad while popping Ambien and Xanax and sucking on a cigarette.
We don't care. We care about the larger issues. Your diabetes and heart attack and lung cancer aren't on the list, even though we understand that Medicare — that is, taxpayers, as in socialists — will be forced to pick up the tab.
We know you don't see the hypocrisy of this. That's part of the deal too. Those of us who believe in the need for effective and efficient government — who believe in a social contract, who believe we're not all in this alone, that it's not 1880 and we're stranded alone out on the prairie 500 miles from the nearest fort or town or railroad line — we are willing to pay for the pills and the chemo and the surgeries and even the knee replacements even for those who, incidentally, vilify those who can and dare to take a knee.