Good to Know

Gotta love Facebook. Here are 19 random facts about myself that may surprise or even shock strangers, disturb family members and end longstanding friendships.

1.     Do I make my bed every day? At some point, yes.
2. What's my favorite
 number? 81 (high school football number)
3. What is my dream job? lingerie model/chef
4. If I could, what age would I go back to? 17 (but only for 365 days).
5. Can I parallel park? yes, assuming they meant "my car."
6. A job people would be shocked that I had? ditch-digger/assistant pipe-fitter
7. Do I think aliens are real? How else do we explain the 2016 presidential election?
8. Can I drive a stick shift? yes
9. Guilty pleasure? schmaltzy music like the Carpenters
10. Tattoos? Never
11. Favorite color? burnt orange
12. Things people do that drive me crazy? Text and drive
13. Phobia/fear? Losing my marbles
14. Favorite childhood game? Football
15. Do I talk to yourself? That's a good question. Let's ask me:  

Bob, do you talk to yourself? 

Oh, I don't know. Not often. Sometimes, I guess. Depends on the moment and my mood

So the answer is, "Yes?" 

Well, no, not really, because I don't want people to think I'm psycho or anything. Is it OK to use that word? Psycho? It's not like "retard," which you're not allowed to say anymore, and I personally agree with that. But "psycho," that's an entirely different thing

Bob. Shut up and answer the question: Yes or no? 

Well, don't push me. I don't like to be pushed. I need time. In public? Never. 

Well, sometimes, but almost never?

So, pick one, damn it. 

Go with No.

No? Final answer. 
Wait, Yes? Now you’re saying, “Yes”?
So, now it's still No? Right? We're going with No. No it is. And done. 
Now let's go listen to the Carpenters
16. Do I enjoy puzzles? Words With Friends. Solitude. Sudoku. Marriage. Fatherhood. I don't let them consume me though.
17. Favorite Music? The Beatles, but Pitbull and Florida Georgia Line are closing fast.
18. Tea or coffee? Coffee 51%; Tea 49%
19. First thing I remember I wanted to be when I grew up? Strong enough to whip or fast enough to out-run my younger brother.
20. Who talked me into doing this? Terry Nelson, formerly of Muncie, Indiana, now a member of the Indiana State University Department of Journalism faculty. Happy birthday, professor. You bitch.


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